
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Waterproof Matches?

How to Waterproof Matches?

Do you like camping and hiking? Or maybe you just like being prepared for emergencies. In either case, waterproofing your matches is a must-do task. Matches that are not waterproof will quickly become useless in wet conditions. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of waterproofing your matches step-by-step. By the time you finish reading this post, you will know how to keep your matches from getting ruined by water!

Why Should You Waterproof Matches?

One of the most important things to have in any survival situation is a good supply of matches. Whether you need to start a fire for warmth, cook food, or signal for help, being able to light a fire can mean the difference between life and death.

However, matches are not always reliable. If they get wet, they may not be able to strike at all. This is why it’s important to waterproof your matches so that they will work even if they get wet. [1]

How to Waterproof Matches?

1. Turpentine Method

This is the most commonly used method to waterproof your matches. All you need is a cup of boiling water and some turpentine. Simply submerge your matches in the boiling water for a few seconds, then remove them and allow them to dry on a paper towel. Once they’re dry, dip them in the turpentine and allow them to soak for a few minutes. Remove them from the turpentine and allow them to dry completely before using.

2. Petroleum Jelly Method

This method is also quite popular and very simple to do. First, coat the heads of your matches with a layer of petroleum jelly. Let them dry completely, then put them in an airtight storage container.

Why Should You Waterproof Matches?

3. Nail Polish Method

This is a great way to waterproof your matches if you don’t have any turpentine on hand. Simply coat the heads of your matches with a layer of clear nail polish and allow them to dry completely. Once they’re dry, store them in an airtight container until you’re ready to use them. [2]

4. Candle Wax Method

This is probably the most popular way to waterproof matches, and it couldn’t be simpler. All you need is a candle, some matches, and a little bit of time.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Light the candle and let it burn for a minute or so until the wax is melted and pooling in the candle holder;
  2. Dip the head of each match into the wax, making sure to coat it thoroughly;
  3. Let the wax cool and hardened before using your newly waterproofed matches;

The candle wax method is quick, easy, and effective, but it does have a few drawbacks. First, if you’re not careful, it can be easy to get wax on your fingers when you’re trying to light the match. Second, the wax can eventually wear off, so you’ll need to re-coat your matches every once in a while if you want them to stay waterproof.

5. Shellac Method

Shellac is a resin that can be used to waterproof all sorts of things, including matches. It’s not as easy to find as candle wax, but it’s definitely more durable. 

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Melt some shellac in a pot over low heat;
  2. Dip the head of each match into the melted shellac, making sure to coat it thoroughly;
  3. Let the shellac cool and harden before using your newly waterproofed matches;
  4. Store your matches in an airtight container when you’re not using them;

The main downside to using shellac is that it can be tricky to work with. If you don’t have any experience working with this resin, it’s probably best to stick with the candle wax method. [3]

Shellac Method

6. Wax & Yarn Method

This is another popular method for waterproofing your matches, and it is pretty simple too. All you need is some paraffin wax and cotton yarn.

First, take the head of the match and dip it in the melted wax. Then, take the cotton yarn and wrap it around the head of the match, making sure to cover it completely. Once the yarn is in place, dip it in the wax again to seal everything up. Let everything dry and you’re good to go!

Storage Tips

To keep your matches in good condition, it is important to store them properly. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Keep them in a cool, dry place. Airtight containers are ideal for storing matches;
  • If you live in a humid climate, consider keeping your matches in the refrigerator;
  • Avoid storing them near strong odors, as this can affect their performance;
  • Replace any matches that show signs of moisture damage, such as discoloration or swelling;

Preparation Tips

Before waterproofing your matches, there are a few things you should do to prepare them:

  • Trim the match heads so that they are all the same length. This will help to ensure that they burn evenly;
  • Remove any loose paper or debris from the match heads;
  • Strike each match on a hard surface to make sure that the strike-anywhere feature is working properly;

Waterproofing Your Matches

There are several ways to waterproof your matches. Here are some of the most popular methods:

  • Dip the match heads in melted wax. Allow them to cool and dry before using;
  • Coat the match heads with clear nail polish. Allow them to dry completely before using;
  • Dip the entire match, including the head, in melted paraffin wax. Allow it to cool and dry before using;

Testing Your Waterproofed Matches

Once you have waterproofed your matches, it is important to test them to make sure that they are still working properly. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Strike the match on a hard surface. If it lights, the waterproofing process was successful;
  • If the match does not light, try striking it again. If it still does not light, the match may be too wet or the strike-anywhere feature may no longer be working;
  • Try another match to see if the problem is isolated to one match or if all of your matches are affected;

With these simple steps, you can ensure that your matches will be able to withstand even the wettest conditions. Now you can rest easy knowing that you’ll always be able to start a fire, no matter what Mother Nature throws your way.

Waterproofing Your Matches

Things to Avoid When Waterproofing Matches

Do not use any wax that is not made specifically for waterproofing matches. This includes things like paraffin wax, beeswax, or crayons. These will all melt and run when exposed to heat and can make your matchstick unusable.

Do not use any type of petroleum jelly or oil. This includes things like Vaseline, mineral oil, and baby oil. These can all be dangerous if they come in contact with an open flame.

Do not use any type of spray-on waterproofing chemicals. These can be flammable and should never be used on anything that will be exposed to an open flame. [4]

Benefits and Disadvantages of Waterproof Matches

There are a few benefits to waterproofing your matches, such as being able to use them in adverse conditions and extending their shelf life.

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider, such as the fact that they may be more difficult to light and may not produce as strong of a flame. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to waterproof your matches is up to you and will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

When to Use Waterproof Matches?

There are a few reasons you might want to waterproof your matches. Maybe you’re an avid camper and want to be sure you can start a fire no matter the weather conditions. Or, perhaps you live in an area prone to hurricanes or flooding and want to have a reliable way to start a fire if the power goes out. Whatever your reason, waterproofing your matches is a simple process that can give you some extra peace of mind.

How to Make Matches Burn Longer?

One way to make sure your matches will light even when wet is to coat them in petroleum jelly. This will create a barrier between the match head and any water that might come in contact with it. Simply dip each match into a jar of petroleum jelly, making sure the entire match head is coated. Once all of your matches are coated, store them in an airtight container until you’re ready to use them. [5]

When to Use Waterproof Matches?

How to Make Your Own Matches?

  1. Start by gathering the supplies you’ll need: a pack of matches, some Vaseline, and a small container to hold the matches while you’re working;
  2. Open up the container and scoop out a pea-sized amount of Vaseline;
  3. Rub the Vaseline onto each match, making sure to cover the entire head of the match. You can use your fingers or a cotton swab to do this;
  4. Once all of the matches are coated in Vaseline, close up the container and store it in a cool, dry place;

Now you’re ready to use your waterproof matches in any situation! Whether you’re camping, hiking, or just want to be prepared for an emergency, these matches will light even when they’re wet.

Potential Challenges During Waterproofing Your Matches

One challenge you might face during the waterproofing process is that the matches may absorb some of the waterproofing material. As a result, the heads of the matchsticks may become clogged, making it difficult to strike them against a rough surface. To avoid this issue, be sure to apply a generous amount of waterproofing solution to the matchsticks.

Another potential challenge is that the matches may not be completely dried before being stored away. If this happens, the matches may become stuck together or may not light at all. Again, be sure to apply a generous amount of waterproofing solution to the matchsticks and allow them to air-dry completely before storing them away.

What to Do With Old Matches?

If you have old matches that are no longer waterproof, there are a few things you can do with them.

One option is to use them as kindling for a fire.

Another option is to recycle them by breaking them down into their individual parts (wood, paper, and sulfur).

Finally, you can dispose of them in the trash.

Breaking Down Matches for Recycling:

  1. Gather your materials. You will need a hammer, a screwdriver, and a pair of pliers;
  2. Break the matchstick in half using the hammer. If the matchstick is made of two pieces of wood glued together, it will break more easily if you score the wood first with the screwdriver;
  3. Remove the paper from the matchstick using the pliers;
  4. Separate the sulfur from the wood using the screwdriver. The sulfur can be recycled, but the wood cannot;
  5. Dispose of the wood in the trash and recycle the sulfur according to your local guidelines;


How can I make my matchstick waterproof?

There are several methods that can be used to waterproof your matchsticks. One popular method is to coat the matchstick in candle wax. Another method is to dip the matchstick in a melted mixture of wax and paraffin.

Can I use any type of wax to waterproof my matchstick?

The best type of wax to use for this purpose is beeswax, as it has natural waterproofing properties. However, you can also use other types of wax, such as paraffin wax or soy wax.

Are there waterproof matches?

The quick answer is yes, there are waterproof matches. But before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to waterproof your matches, let’s first understand why you might need to do this in the first place. Waterproofing your matches is important because it helps ensure that they will still be usable even if they get wet. This can be vital in survival situations where you may need to start a fire in wet conditions. Waterproofing your matches is also a good idea if you’re going to be using them in humid or damp environments, as this can also lead to them getting wet and becoming unusable.

What are waterproof matches made of?

Waterproof matches are made using a number of different materials and methods. The most common type of waterproof match is made using a wax coating. This coating helps to protect the match from water and moisture, and also makes it more durable. Other types of waterproof matches are made using special paper or even plastic. These materials help to create a barrier between the match and the water, making it less likely that the match will get wet and become unusable.

What are waterproof matches made of?

Can you paint the tip of matches?

Yes, you can paint the tip of matches with a waterproofing agent such as clear nail polish or even beeswax. This will help to create a barrier between the match and the water, making it less likely that the match will get wet and become unusable.

How do you make a long burn match?

A long burn match is a match that has been designed to burn for a longer period of time than a regular match. This can be useful in situations where you need to start a fire but may not have access to kindling or other materials that will help to keep the fire going. Long burn matches are made using a number of different materials, including wax and paper. The material used will depend on the manufacturer, but all long burn matches will have one thing in common: they will be able to burn for a longer period of time than a regular match.

Can I make my own matches?

You bet! Making your own matches is easy, and it’s a great way to be sure they’ll work when you need them. Plus, you can make them any size or shape you want. All you need to make your own matches is some wax, a wick, and a container to hold everything. You can find all of these things at most hardware stores:

  1. Start by heating the wax in a double boiler. If you don’t have a double boiler, you can use a saucepan and a bowl set over it;
  2. Cut the wick into pieces that are about an inch long;
  3. Dip each piece of wick into the melted wax, coating it completely;
  4. Place the wax-coated wicks on a sheet of parchment paper or a silicone baking mat to cool and harden;
  5. Once they’re cooled and hardened, trim the wicks to the desired length;
  6. To use your matches, simply strike the head of one against a rough surface. The friction will cause the wax to light, and the flame will transfer to the wick;

What are some potential problems?

You may have noticed that your matches don’t always strike when they’re wet. That’s because the water on the matchstick’s head interferes with the chemical reaction that produces the spark. Waterproofing your matches will help you get a fire going even when conditions are less than ideal.

Does Walmart have waterproof matches?

Yes, Walmart has waterproof matches. You can find them in the camping section of the store.

Useful Video: D.I.Y. Waterproof Matches ~ Prepper / Emergency Survival


Now that you know how to waterproof your matches, you can be sure that you’ll always have a reliable fire-starting method on hand – no matter what the conditions are like. Whether you’re camping in the rain or dealing with emergency situations, this simple technique can be a real lifesaver. So don’t wait – get started waterproofing your matches today!


  1. https://blog.ucogear.com/10-reasons-to-carry-waterproof-matches/
  2. https://www.artofmanliness.com/skills/outdoor-survival/3-ways-to-make-diy-waterproof-matches/
  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/shellac
  4. https://myoutdoorslife.com/basics/how-to-waterproof-matches.html
  5. https://campingbenefit.com/what-to-do-if-your-matches-get-wet-while-camping/