
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Waterproof a Shed Roof?

How to Waterproof a Shed Roof?

If you have a garden shed, then it’s important to make sure that the roof is waterproof. A leaky roof can cause serious damage to your belongings, and can also lead to water damage in your home. In this blog post, we will teach you everything you need to know about waterproofing a shed roof. We’ll cover the different methods that you can use, as well as the materials that you’ll need. Let’s get started!

How To Check If Your Shed Is Leaking?

One of the most common problems that affect sheds is leaks. If you think your shed might be leaking, there are a few things you can do to check. First, take a look at the outside of your shed. Are there any cracks or gaps in the walls or roof? If so, these are likely places where water is getting in. You can also try going inside your shed and looking for any signs of water damage, such as stains on the walls or ceiling. Finally, if you have any electrical equipment inside your shed, check to see if it’s wet or damp. If it is, this could be another sign that water is getting in.

How To Check If Your Shed Is Leaking?

Once you’ve determined that your shed is indeed leaking, the next step is to figure out where the water is coming from. This can sometimes be difficult, but it’s important to find the source of the leak so you can fix it properly. Once you’ve located the leak, the next step is to repair it. This might involve caulking or sealing any cracks or gaps, or it might mean replacing damaged parts of your shed. Whatever the case, once you’ve repaired the leak, be sure to check your shed regularly to make sure it doesn’t start leaking again. [1]

Types of Roofing Materials to Waterproof Your Shed Roof

EPDM Rubber Roofing

One of the most popular types of roofing material to waterproof your shed is EPDM rubber roofing.

This material is very durable and can last for many years.

It is also easy to install and does not require any special tools or equipment. You can find this type of roofing material at most hardware stores or home improvement centers. [2]

PVC Roofing

If you’re looking for a waterproofing solution for your shed roof, PVC roofing may be the answer. PVC roofs are made from a type of plastic that is both durable and weather resistant. This makes them ideal for sheds that are exposed to the elements. There are many colors and styles of PVC roofs to choose from so that you can find the perfect match for your shed’s exterior. They are also relatively easy to install, making them a great option for do-it-yourselfers. Best of all, PVC roofs are very affordable, making them a great choice for budget-conscious homeowners.

Felt Roofing

Another option for waterproofing your shed roof is felt roofing.

Felt roofs are made from a variety of materials, including asphalt, fiberglass, and even recycled plastic bottles.

Felt roofs are available in a variety of colors to match your Shed’s exterior. They are also relatively easy to install and can be done by most do-it-yourselfers. However, one downside of felt roofing is that it is not as durable as PVC roofing and may need to be replaced more often.

Types of Roofing Materials to Waterproof Your Shed Roof

Metal Roofing

If you’re looking for a waterproofing solution that is both durable and stylish, metal roofing may be the answer. Metal roofs are available in a variety of colors and styles to match your Shed’s exterior. They’re also quite simple to put together, making them a fantastic choice for do-it-yourselfers. Although metal roofing has many advantages, it is important to note that it can be more expensive than other types of roofing.

Clay Tiles

Clay tiles are one of the most popular roofing materials for sheds.

They are durable and look great, but they can be expensive. If you want to waterproof your shed roof without spending a lot of money, clay tiles are a good option. To install clay tiles, you will need to purchase a special adhesive. Apply the adhesive to the back of each tile and then place the tile on the shed roof. Start at the bottom of the roof and work your way up. Make sure that each tile is overlapping the previous one by about two inches. Once all of the tiles are in place, you will need to apply a sealant. This can be done with a brush or roller.

Why Is EPDM The Best Waterproof Alternative For Your Shed?

EPDM rubber is a synthetic rubber that has excellent resistance to weathering, aging, ozone and UV radiation.

It is also very resistant to heat, making it an ideal material for waterproofing your shed roof.

EPDM is available in sheets which can be cut to size and applied directly to your shed roof. It is easy to install and can be glued or taped down securely. Once in place, EPDM provides a durable and long lasting waterproof barrier that will keep your shed dry and protected from the elements.

If you are looking for an effective way to waterproof your shed roof, then EPDM rubber is the ideal solution. It is easy to install, durable and long lasting, making it the perfect choice for protecting your shed from the elements.

How to Waterproof Your Whole Shed?

Choose an Appropriate Location

The first step is to choose an appropriate location for your shed. It should be situated on firm, level ground and away from any trees or other structures that could potentially fall on it. The shed should also be situated in an area that receives plenty of sunlight. This will help to keep the inside of the shed warmer and drier, which will in turn help to prevent condensation and mold growth.

How to Waterproof Your Whole Shed?

Buttress the Foundation of Your Shed.

One of the most important parts of waterproofing your shed is ensuring that its foundation is properly buttressed. Water will not penetrate through any cracks or gaps in the foundation and cause damage to your shed’s interior if you seal it. To buttress the foundation of your shed, you’ll need to install a vapor barrier along the base of the shed. This can be done with a layer of heavy-duty plastic sheeting or by using a specialized vapor barrier product designed for use on sheds. Once the vapor barrier is in place, seal any cracks or gaps in the foundation with concrete caulk or another type of durable sealant. Finally, make sure that your shed’s doors and windows are properly sealed and caulked to further prevent moisture from entering the shed.

Establish a Drainage System Around the Shed.

One of the most important aspects of waterproofing a shed roof is to ensure that water can drain away from the shed easily. This can be achieved by creating a drainage system around the shed, which will allow water to flow away from the shed and prevent it from pooling around the base of the shed. One way to create a drainage system is to install gutters around the edge of the shed roof. These will collect any rainwater that falls on the shed and channel it away from the shed, preventing it from pooling around the base. You can also create a drainage ditch around the perimeter of the shed, which will allow water to drain away from the shed quickly. [3]

How to Waterproof Your Whole Shed?

Seal the Shed Base.

This will help to prevent water from seeping in through any cracks or gaps in the foundation.Once the base is sealed, you can move on to sealing the rest of the shed. Start by sealing around any windows or doors with weather-stripping or caulk. Then, apply a layer of waterproof sealant to the entire exterior of the shed.

For best results, use a brush or roller to evenly distribute the sealant.Let the sealant dry completely before moving on to step five.

Trim The Plants Growing Around Your Shed.

If you have plants growing around your shed, it’s important to trim them back. Otherwise, the water that runs off of your roof can pool at the base of your shed and cause problems. Make sure to trim any plants that are within six feet of your shed.It’s also a good idea to put some sort of barrier between the plants and your shed. This can be anything from a layer of mulch to a row of stones. This will help to keep the water away from your shed and prevent any damage.

Weatherproof the Shed’s Structure

Waterproofing a shed roof is only one part of the puzzle. To ensure your shed can withstand the elements, you’ll need to weatherproof its entire structure. This includes sealing any cracks or gaps in the walls and floor, as well as ensuring that the door and windows are properly sealed. To do this, start by applying a sealant to any cracks or gaps in the shed’s walls and floor. Then, check the door and windows to make sure they’re properly sealed. If not, apply a sealant around their edges. Finally, add weatherstripping to the door and windows to further improve their seal.

Install Siding

To finish up, install siding around the shed to further protect it from the elements. This is an optional step, but one that can add extra durability and weather-resistance to your shed. Choose a material that will complement the rest of your shed and be sure to properly seal all joints and seams.

Divert Water Away from the Shed Foundation

One way to help waterproof your shed is to make sure that water is diverted away from the shed foundation. One way to do this is to install gutters and downspouts around the perimeter of the shed roof. This will help ensure that any rainwater or melting snow is directed away from the shed, which can help prevent leaks and water damage.

Another way to divert water away from the shed foundation is to grade the ground around the shed so that it slopes away from the shed. This will help ensure that any runoff from rainfall or melting snow will flow away from the shed rather than towards it.

How to Waterproof Your Whole Shed?

Finally, you may also want to consider installing a French drain around the perimeter of the shed foundation. A French drain is a type of drainage system that can help collect and redirect water away from the shed foundation.If you are concerned about water damage to your shed, there are a few things you can do to help waterproof it.

Avoid Guttering Problems

One of the most common problems with shed roofs is that they tend to collect a lot of water in the guttering. This can lead to serious problems, including leaks and flooding. To avoid these issues, it is important to make sure that your shed roof is properly waterproofed. There are a few different ways that you can do this, but one of the best is to use a product called “roof sealant.”

This is a special type of sealant that helps to keep water from seeping through your roof.

It also helps to prevent mold and mildew from growing on your roof.

Another way to waterproof your shed roof is to install gutters. Gutters help to catch the water before it has a chance to collect on your roof. They also help to keep the water from running off of your roof and onto your property. If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain, it is especially important to have gutters installed on your shed roof. [4]

Finally, you can also use a tarp to waterproof your shed roof. Tarps are great for keeping the elements out, but they can also be used to keep water from collecting on your roof. If you live in an area where it rains frequently, a tarp can be a great way to keep your shed roof dry.

Insulate Your Shed

One way to help waterproof your shed is to make sure it’s properly insulated. This will help keep the inside of your shed cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, which can prevent condensation buildup. You can insulate your shed by adding insulation to the walls, ceiling, and floor.

Use a Dehumidifier

If you live in an area with high humidity, using a dehumidifier in your shed can help control moisture levels and prevent condensation. Dehumidifiers work by pulling moisture out of the air, which can help keep your shed drier and prevent mold and mildew growth.

Ventilate Your Shed

Proper ventilation is important for preventing condensation and keeping your shed dry. Make sure your shed has vents in the walls or roof to allow air to circulate. You can also open doors and windows when weather permits to let fresh air in.

Inspect Your Shed Regularly

Waterproofing your shed is an ongoing process, and it’s important to inspect your shed regularly for any signs of leaks or water damage. If you notice any problems, take steps to fix them right away to prevent further damage.

How to Waterproof Your Whole Shed?

Use a Tarp or Plastic Cover

If you know bad weather is on the way, you can help protect your shed by covering it with a tarp or plastic sheeting. This will help keep the rain and snow off of your shed, and can prevent water damage.

Fix Any Leaks Right Away

If you notice any leaks in your shed, it’s important to fix them right away. Leaks can allow water to enter your shed, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. To fix a leak, you may need to patch the hole or replace the roofing material.

Store Items Off the Ground

Waterproofing your shed also means taking steps to prevent water damage from items stored inside. Keep storage bins off the ground, and use shelves or racks to lift items up and away from potential flooding.

How To Install Roof Felt?

Installing roof felt is a simple process that anyone can do.

You will need to gather some supplies before you begin, including:

  • A role of roofing felt
  • Staples or nails
  • A hammer or stapler
  • A utility knife-Ladder

Once you have your supplies, follow these steps to install the roofing felt:

  1. Start by removing any old felt from the shed roof. If there is any remaining adhesive, scrape it off with the utility knife.
  2. Cut the new roll of roofing felt to size and then lay it over the shed roof.
  3. Secure the edges of the felt with staples or nails, using a hammer or stapler.
  4. Trim off any excess felt with the utility knife.

You have now successfully installed roofing felt on your shed roof! This will help to protect the roof from water damage and will also make it more durable. Be sure to check the felt regularly for any signs of wear or damage, and replace it as needed. [5]


What do you cover a shed roof with?

One option is to cover the roof with asphalt shingles. Another option is to use a rubber membrane.

How do you waterproof a shed roof from the inside?

You can waterproof your shed roof from the inside by using a product like Liquid Rubber. This product can be applied with a brush or roller, and will create a waterproof barrier that will protect your shed from leaks.

How do you stop water from coming through a metal roof?

You can stop water from coming through a metal roof by installing a drip edge along the perimeter of the roof. A drip edge will redirect water away from the edges of the roof, and help to prevent leaks.

What to put on a roof to make it waterproof?

There are a few different ways to waterproof your shed roof, and the best option for you will depend on the type of roof you have, as well as your budget. Here are a few of the most popular options:

  • Rubber Roofing: Rubber roofing is one of the most popular choices for waterproofing a shed roof. It’s relatively inexpensive and easy to install, and it does a great job of keeping water out. One downside of rubber roofing is that it doesn’t last forever – you should expect to replace it every few years.
  • Metal Roofing: Metal roofing is another popular choice for waterproofing a shed roof. It’s more expensive than rubber roofing, but it will last longer – you can expect to get 20 years or more out of a metal roof. One downside of metal roofing is that it’s not as easy to install as rubber roofing.
  • Asphalt shingle: Asphalt Shingle is one of the most common types of roofs, and it’s also one of the easiest to waterproof. There are a variety of different asphalt shingle products on the market, and most of them do a good job of keeping water out. The downside of asphalt shingling is that it doesn’t last as long as some of the other options – you can expect to replace it every 15 years or so.
  • Tile Roofing: Tile roofing is a great choice for waterproofing a shed roof. It’s more expensive than asphalt shingle, but it will last longer – you can expect to get 30 years or more out of a tile roof. One downside of tile roofing is that it’s not as easy to install as asphalt shingles.

Is Marine ply totally waterproof?

No, marine ply is not totally waterproof. However, it is water-resistant and can withstand exposure to moisture better than other types of plywood. Marine plywood is made with waterproof glue and treated with chemicals that make it resistant to rot and decay. It’s an ideal material for shed roofs because it will stand up to the elements better than regular plywood.

What is the best liquid rubber?

There are many different types of liquid rubber on the market, and it can be tough to decide which one is right for your needs. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a liquid rubber:

  • What area will you be using it on?
  • What temperature range will it be exposed to?
  • How long do you need it to last?

Once you’ve considered these factors, you can narrow down your options and choose the best liquid rubber for your shed roof. For example, if you need something that can withstand extreme temperatures, then an epoxy resin would be a good option. If you’re looking for something that will last a long time, then a polyurethane sealant would be a good choice.

Useful Video: How To Fix A Shed Roof


In conclusion, waterproofing your shed roof is a simple process that involves cleaning the roof, applying a primer, and then painting on a waterproof sealant. By following these steps, you can extend the life of your shed and protect it from the elements. If you have any questions about how to waterproof a shed roof, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to help. Thanks for reading!


  1. https://www.wikihow.com/Check-the-Garden-Shed-for-Leaks
  2. https://www.rubber4roofs.co.uk/shop/epdm-rubber-roofing
  3. https://www.gardenbuildingsdirect.co.uk/blog/waterproof-your-shed/
  4. https://www.tigersheds.com/blog/how-to-waterproof-a-shed/
  5. https://www.wikihow.com/Attach-Roof-Felt-on-a-Shed