
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Waterproof Horse Blankets?

How to Waterproof Horse Blankets?

A horse blanket is a piece of clothing worn by horses. It is usually made of wool, cotton, or polyester and is used to protect the animal from rain and cold weather. In order to keep your horse’s blanket in good condition, it’s important to waterproof it regularly. In this article, we will discuss how to waterproof a horse blanket using three different methods: using a spray, using wax, and using a paste. We will also provide tips on how to care for your horse blankets once they have been waterproofed.

Why Do You Need Waterproof Horse Blankets?

Horses live outdoors and are constantly exposed to the elements. They need protection from wind and rain, especially when they are wearing blankets. A waterproof horse blanket will keep your horse warm and dry, even in bad weather. You definitely don’t want your horse to get all wet!

Waterproofing also helps to extend the life of your horse’s blanket. When a blanket is wet, it can become heavy and stretched out of shape. This can lead to tears and holes in the fabric. Waterproofing helps to prevent this from happening.

Why Do You Need Waterproof Horse Blankets?

There are a few different ways to waterproof horse blankets. Some methods are better than others, and some are more appropriate for certain types of blankets. In this article, we will discuss the waterproofing procedure in detail and help you with some tips regarding choosing a waterproofing product.

Just keep in mind that no method will completely protect your blanket from the elements, and the protection is not going to last forever. So make sure to maintain your horse blanket regularly! [1], [2], [3]

How to Choose a Waterproofing Product?

The most common method is to use a waterproofing spray. There are also water repellent products available that can be applied to the fabric of the blanket. Both of these products work well and will keep your horse’s blanket dry in any weather. There are many different types of waterproofing products on the market, and it can be difficult to choose the right one. Here are a few things to consider when making a choice:

The type of fabric the blanket is made of

Some fabrics are more water resistant than others. And some waterproof products are made specifically for a certain type of material. If a spray or paste is made for leather, there’s no guarantee they will work well for nylon.

Making sure its water-based

Some waterproofing products are silicone-based, and these should be avoided for their toxicity. Water-based products are eco-friendly and won’t affect the health of your horses.

Pick the one with no odors

Odorless waterproofing products are preferable, as the smell of some can be quite strong and unpleasant.

No matter which product you decide to go with, be sure to read the instructions carefully before applying it. Test it on a small area of the blanket first to make sure there is no adverse reaction. [1], [2]

How to Choose a Waterproofing Product?

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Waterproof Your Horse Blanket

So, now that you have chosen a waterproofing product, it’s time to put it to use. Here is a detailed instruction on how to waterproof your horse blanket.

Clean the horse blanket

Before you start waterproofing, you need to clean the horse blanket. This will remove any dirt or excess oils from the fabric. Washing them shouldn’t be too difficult as most blankets come with direct instructions on how to wash them.

Keep in mind that you absolutely shouldn’t dry clean your horse blanket as you can damage it! [1], [2], [4], [5]

Apply a good waterproofing product

Once the blanket is clean, it’s time to apply a good waterproofing product. There are many products on the market, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Some products require you to soak the blanket in a solution, while others can be sprayed or brushed on. Follow the manual on the label carefully.

Be sure to test the waterproofing product on a small area of the blanket first to make sure it does not damage the fabric.

If your horse sweats a lot, or you live in an area with frequent rains you may need to reapply the waterproofing product more often. [1], [2]

Let it dry

Once you have applied the waterproofing product, let the blanket dry thoroughly. Do not put it back on the horse until it is completely dry.

If you live in a humid climate, it may take a few days for the blanket to dry completely. Be patient and wait until the blanket is completely dry before using it again. [1], [2]

Test it for waterproofness

Once the blanket is dry, it’s time to test it for waterproofness. Pour a small amount of water on the blanket and see if it beads up or spreads out. If it beads up, the blanket is waterproof.

If the water gets soaked, you may need to reapply the waterproofing product.

How to Clean a Horse Blanket Properly?

How to Clean a Horse Blanket Properly?

One of the most important aspects of horse blanket care is knowing how to clean them properly. If you don’t clean your blankets regularly, they can become stained and matted, making them less effective at keeping your horse warm and more difficult to clean.

The best way to clean a horse blanket is by hand. Fill a large tub or sink with cool water and add a small amount of gentle detergent. Soak the blanket in the solution for about 15 minutes, then use a sponge or brush to scrub it gently. Be sure to avoid scrubbing the seams too hard, as this can cause them to tear.

If the blanket is particularly dirty, you may need to repeat this process several times. Rinse the blanket thoroughly in cool water after cleaning, then allow it to air dry before putting it back on your horse. [1], [4], [5]

When to Waterproof a Horse Blanket?

The best time to waterproof a horse blanket is before the cold or humid weather sets in, but it’s never too late to do it. In fact, even if your horse has been wearing a waterproof blanket all winter, it’s still a good idea to give it thorough waterproofing once the weather starts to warm up again.

If you would want to protect your blanket from the harsh spring rainfalls, waterproofing in spring would be the most effective.[2], [3]

How to Maintain a Horse Blanket Afterwards?

Once you’ve waterproofed your horse blanket, it’s important to take steps to maintain its waterproofing. This includes washing the blanket regularly (at least every other month) and reapplying a waterproofing treatment when the effect gets washed off.


How often should you waterproof a horse blanket?

The frequency with which you need to waterproof your horse blanket will vary depending on a variety of factors, including the climate in which you live and how often your horse sweats. In general, however, it is a good idea to waterproof your horse blanket at least once a month.

If you live in a particularly wet or humid climate, you may need to waterproof your horse blanket more frequently than that. Conversely, if you live in a dry climate, you may only need to waterproof your horse blanket every few months.

How can you find out if a horse blanket is waterproof?

One of the easiest ways to find out if a horse blanket is waterproof is to test it in a small, inconspicuous area. Pour a little water onto the blanket and see if it soaks into your blanket.

If the water beads up, that means the blanket is waterproof. If the water seeps through, it means the blanket is not waterproof, and you will need to waterproof it.

What do you use to waterproof a horse blanket?

There are a variety of products that can be used to waterproof a horse blanket. Some people prefer to use a waterproofing agent, while others prefer to use a coat of wax. We suggest using non-toxic water-based agents.

Whichever product you choose to use, make sure you follow the instructions carefully so that you do not damage your blanket.

Are all horse blankets waterproof?

Not all horse blankets are waterproof. In fact, some horse blankets are only water-resistant. If you’re shopping for a waterproof horse blanket, pay attention to the product description. Water-resistant horse blankets may be more expensive than waterproof ones, but they will keep your horse dry much more effectively.

However, keep in mind that the waterproofness is only temporary and that no waterproof product will offer 100% water protection.

Useful Video: Horse Blanket Waterproofing and What to Realistically Expect


So, if you want to make sure your horse blanket lasts as long as possible and keeps your horse warm and dry, be sure to waterproof it with a water-based product. Just keep in mind that the protection won’t last forever – you will likely need to reapply the waterproofer at some point.

What’s more, with our step-by-step guide, you know now how to go about protecting a horse blanket from water. With a little bit of effort, you can keep your horse warm and dry all winter and rainy seasons long!


  1. https://www.equestriannextdoor.com/how-to-waterproof-horse-blankets/
  2. https://proequinegrooms.com/tips/equipment-and-tack/how-to-save-your-horse-blankets-that-are-not-waterproof-anymore/
  3. https://dressagetoday.com/lifestyle/should-waterproof-horses-turnout-blankets/
  4. https://www.horsejournals.com/riding-training/tack-gear/other/how-waterproof-horse-blankets
  5. https://www.nikwax.com/usblog/how-to-clean-and-waterproof-horse-blankets/